Friday, December 24, 2010

"A" Post #2

Through my journey reading "The Scarlet Letter" really brings to attention the way the Puritan theology thrived in Massachusetts.  The Puritans are hyporcrites because they say they believe in God but yet they seclude just one lady and humilate her day and night. I believe there are many other people that have committed sins and  have not been punished for it. The ministers feel they are doing the  holy thing by humilating Hester but all they are doing is showing how they have sin in thier hearts.I believe that the ministers use God and his power to have authority over everyone else.  The Minsiters even try to come in between Hester and the the only thing in the world that is keeping her alive -Pearl. Hester  finds herself in a battle to keep her daughter with her. The Ministers want to take Pearl away from Hester because they believe that Hester is incapable of teaching Pearl religion because Hester comitted adultery. Hester fights for her rights and makes it clear that Pearl is a gift as well a punishment for her. She also makes it clear that God gave her Pearl in order to get across to the ministers that Pearl is righfully hers and tries to make them have mercy. She not only argues for her parental rights, I believe she is fighting for her LIFE! Hawthorne creates this argument by adding exclamation marks to make Hesters argument stronger and to show her passion towards this issue she is facing.I can not imagine what would happen to Hester  if they do rip Pearl away from her. Pearl is what keeps Hester on the move, Hester said " Pearl keeps me here in life". Hester is saying that Pearl is her life, not literally but keeps her sane mentally and keeps her the push she need to physically continue on with her daily routine. We will see what comes forth later in the story...

1. Do you believe that the ministers abuse of thier power by using God and God's power to bring fear to the citizens and to have control over everyone?  Relate this sort of behavior to another text you might have read, if you can.

2. What role does Pearl play in the story?

1 comment:

  1. As I have mentioned other times, Pearl is the visual representation of the sin that was committed. It is the reminder of why she is wearing the scarlet letter "A." In addition to that, Pearl also seems to be Hester's strength and companion as they are always found together.
